Google Introduces advanced AI model named Google Gemini

Google Gemini AI, Competition to rivals with the introduction of Google - Gemini AI, which ushered in a new era.

Tech giant Google has ushered in a new era in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). An advanced AI model named 'Google Gemini' has been introduced. In this article, let's know more details about how many variants this new AI is available and what are its uses.

It seems that Google Gemini provides users with various types of information like texts, photo, audio, video, coding with 90 percent accuracy. Google CEO 'Sundar Pichai' revealed that it works not only in data centers and corporate needs but also in mobile devices.

Google Gemini is currently only available in English language, but in future it is likely to be available in almost all languages of the world. It is reported that this AI technology will be available in all Google services like Google search engine and Chrome browser

Google Gemini AI


Google Gemini is available in three variants. They are Gemini Nano, Gemini Pro, Gemini Ultra variants.

Gemini Nano

Gemini Nano is an AI technology specially designed for mobile devices. It works not only for Google Pixel 8 phone but also Android 4 version. It is reported that Gemini Nano will be available to users from December 13. It seems that through this new technology, chat and messaging apps can also work offline.

Gemini Pro

Gemini Pro is an advanced version of Google Beard AI. Google reveals that it will definitely provide faster results. It seems that this will also be available to users from December 13.

Gemini Ultra

Gemini Ultra is a powerful version of Google's new AI technology. It also perfectly suits the needs of corporate organizations. Understands many programming languages like Python, Java and provides the desired result. It is said to be available by 2024.